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Vector for Psion 3a/3c & Siena
Advanced Features Creating Library Files
A library file is a standard Vector file that has been saved with the .vsl extension. To be useful it should also contain symbol definitions. To use the library, place the file in the directory. You can then use the "Object, Symbol" menu option to access the symbols in the library.

A library file has an addition sub menu accessed from the "Edit, Edit library" option. This is used to create and modify the symbol definitions.

After drawing the symbol, use the "Edit library, Create symbol" to record the symbol in the file. This will prompt you through the following steps:-

  1. Select all the drawing elements that comprise the symbol.
  2. Position the "Hot spot". This will be the position of the cursor when bringing the symbol into a drawing and is the centre of any rotation and scale.
  3. Enter a name for the symbol.
  4. Enter a unique reference number.
The position on the page and the drawing layers are not significant and will be ignored when a symbol is used.

After creation, only the Move and Property options from the Modify menu can modify a symbol. The Duplicate option creates a copy of the symbol drawing elements only - without copying the symbol definition.

To modify an existing symbol definition, remove the existing definition with the "Edit library, Ungroup & modify" option. Make the required changes and recreate as before. The definition should use the same reference number as before, otherwise any existing links will be unable to locate it.

The "Edit library, List symbols" option provides a list of all the symbols in a library and their corresponding reference numbers.

The list of symbols is always in reference number order. It is advisable that the numbering system for the symbols should have gaps for future additions.

Creating Fonts
A font file is a standard Vector file that has been saved with the .vft extension. To be useful it should also contain character definitions. To use font, place in the directory. You can use the Text Style dialogs ("Settings, Text style" menu option) to set the style used by the "Draw, Text" command.

A font file has an addition sub menu accessed from the "Edit, Edit font" option. Use this to create and modify the character definitions.

Having drawn the character, use the "Edit font, Create character" option to record the character and its ASCII number in the file. This will prompt you through the following steps:-

  1. Select all the drawing elements that comprise the character.

  2. Position the "Hot spot". Normally this is the leftmost part of the character and on the base line.

  3. Set the pitch, or width of the character plus a space for the next character. Do this by moving the cursor where you would normally start the next character. Only the X coordinate of the cursor (minus the hot spot X coordinate) will be recorded.

  4. Enter an ASCII character number.
Having created a character, only the Move and Property options from the Modify menu can be used to change it. The result of the Duplicate option is to copy only the character drawing elements - the character definition is not copied.

To modify an existing character definition, remove the existing definition with the "Edit font, Ungroup & modify" option. Make the required changes and recreate as before.

Add a space character to the font file by using the "Edit font, Create space character" menu option.

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NDM: 29th March 1998 . . Updated HTML 30th August 2005